The Lisbon Recognition Convention (LRC) is the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education in the European Region. It was drafted in 1997 by the Council of Europe and Unesco to facilitate and promote fair recognition among Parties of the Convention.
An organisation checks and assesses the quality of education. Usually the accreditation is valid for a certain period. In some countries, accreditation is compulsory, in others it is voluntary. The government of a country often appoints one or more organisations responsible for accrediting institutions and/or study programmes. In addition, there are also private accreditation organisations. Read more about accreditation in the EAR manual (
Ideally, this involves both internal and external quality assurance.
Whereas internal quality assurance is the responsibility of the higher education institution itself, external quality assurance is done by the national quality assurance agency.
"Alternative" QA may involve course provider status, recognition by third parties (higher education institutions or employers) or a substantial amount of student reviews.
For example, can you check an e-badge or enter a verification number on the website of the course provider?
This could include important information on:
- the course dates
- the course content
- the results
The NQF (National Qualification Framework) contains the levels of most diplomas in a country.
For example:
- admission requirements;
- learning outcomes;
- stated further opportunities.
Most courses have an assigned difficulty level, which can be introductory, intermediate, or advanced. This is often only a platform-specific indication.
What constitutes a "substantial workload" has to be judged by the evaluator of the course in relation to the purpose of recognition.
We consider this combination to be "best practice". However, you may decide a different combination of tests or assessments is also satisfactory.
For example:
- a passport check;
- a photo ID;
- a key stroke ID.
For example:
- a passport check;
- a photo ID;
- a key stroke ID.