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Audit finding notification "Critical Nonconformity"
Name of certification body
Select the Certification body
AGRIZERT Zertifizierungs GmbH
Baltic Control Certification A/S
BCI Verification B.V.
Cotecna Inspection India Private Limited
Control Union Certifications B.V.
CSQA Certificazioni Srl
Dekra Certification GmbH
DEKRA Certification Sp. z o.o.
DNV Business Assurance Italy S.R.L.
DQS Polska sp. z.o.o.
Foodchain ID Certification
Global Quality Sp. z o.o.
HSL Certification Services
IFTA Quality GmbH
Intertek s.r.o.
Kiwa Verin BV
LGA InterCert Zertifizierungsgesellschaft
LL-C Certification Czech Republic s.r.o
LRQA Nederland B.V.
ÖHMI Eurocert
PT. Sucofindo (Persero) SBU Commodity and Trade Solution (CTS)
Qlip N.V.
Qualitas Certification
Schouten Certification B.V.
Schutter Certification B.V.
SGS Product & Process Certification
SVG Zertifizierungsdienst GmbH
TÜV Nord Czech s.r.o.
TÜV Rheinland Conformity Assessment GmbH
TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH
United Registrar of Systems GmbH
Registration number
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Audit date
Date of notification
Time of notification
Name of contact person
Address where the audit took place
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Description of the audit finding (max 800 characters)
Choose the GMP+ requirement which the Critical nonconformity is based on
Scheme 2010 (old)
Scheme 2020
Scheme 2010 (old)
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GMP+ A1 General Regulation
GMP+ B1 Production, Trade & Services
GMP+ B1,2 Production, Trade & Services
GMP+ B2 Production of Feed Ingredients
GMP+ B3 Trade, Collection and Storage & Transshipment
GMP+ B3.2 Trade to Livestock Farms
GMP+ B4 Transport
GMP+ B8 Production of and Trade in Pet Foods
GMP+ B10 Laboratory testing
GMP+ BCN-CEE Central & Eastern Europe
GMP+ BCN-CN1 Supplier Assurance for China
GMP+ BCN-IT Specific requirements for Italy
Choose an article....
4 Certification criteria and procedure
7 Obligations of participants
Choose an article....
4.1 Requirements for the feed safety management system
4.2 Documentation
4.2.1 General
4.2.2 Quality manual
4.2.3 Control of the documentation
4.2.4 Control of the records
5.1 Management commitment
5.2 Feed safety policy
5.3 Planning
5.3.1 Feed safety objectives
5.3.2 Planning of the feed safety management system
5.4 Responsibility, authority and communication on feed safety
5.4.1 Responsibility and authority
5.4.2 HACCP-team
5.4.3 Management representative
5.4.4 Provision of resources
5.4.5 Internal communication
5.5 Management review
5.5.1 General
5.5.2 Review input
5.5.3 Review output
6.1 General
6.2 Personnel
6.2.1 General
6.2.2 Competence, awareness and training
6.3 Infrastructure
6.3.1 Basic requirements
6.3.2 Requirements for facilities, production areas, installations and other facilities
6.4 Work environment
6.4.1 Maintenance
6.4.2 Cleaning
6.4.3 Pest control
6.4.4 Waste control
6.5 Identification and traceability
6.6 EWS en Recall
6.7 Production
6.7.1 Control of production
7.1 Planning of the realization of a safe feed
7.2 requirements for the feed
7.2.1 Determination of feed requirements
7.2.2 Review of feed requirements
7.2.3 Description of the feed based on requirements (specifications)
7.2.4 Communication with the customer
7.3 Proces information
7.3.1 Flow diagrams of the process
7.3.2 Diagram of the organisation
7.4 Hazard analysis
7.4.1 Identification of hazards
7.4.2 Risk assessment
7.5 Establishment of Critical Control Points (CCP's)
7.5.1 Determination of control measures
7.5.2 Establishment of Critical Control Points (CCP's)
7.6 Stadards
7.7 Monitoring and measuring
7.7.1 Monitoring plan
7.7.2 Monitoring plan (supplementary for processing of feed addivites / feed medicines)
7.8 Corrective actions
7.9 Validation of the HACCP plan
7.10 Purchasing
7.10.1 Purchasing process
7.10.2 Purchasing data
7.10.3 Verification of the purchased product of service
7.11 Production
7.11.1 Customer property
7.11.2 Maintenance of the product
7.11.3 Labelling and delivery
8.1 General
8.2 Internal audit
8.3 Verification of the feed safety management system
8.4 Improvement
8.4.1 Continual improvement
8.4.2 Corrective action
8.4.3 Preventive action
Choose an article....
4.1 Requirements for the feed safety management system
4.2 Documentation
4.2.1 General
4.2.2 Quality sytem documentation
4.2.3 Control of the documentation
4.2.4 Control of the records
5.1 Management commitment
5.2 Feed safety policy
5.3 Planning
5.3.1 Feed safety opjectives
5.3.2 Planning of the feed safety management system
5.4 Responsibility, authority and communication on feed safety
5.4.1 Responsibility and authority
5.4.2 HACCP-team
5.4.3 Management representative
5.4.4 Provision of resources
5.4.5 Internal communication
5.5 Management review
5.5.1 General
5.5.2 Review input
5.5.3 Review output
6.1 General
6.2 Personnel
6.2.1 General
6.2.2 Competence, awareness and training
6.3 Infrastructure
6.3.1 Basic requiremens
6.3.2 Requirements for facilities, production areas, installations and other facilities
6.4 Work environment
6.4.1 Maintenance
6.4.2 Cleaning
6.4.3 Pest control
6.4.4 Waste control
6.5 Identification and traceability
6.6 EWS en Recall
6.7 Production
6.7.1 Control of production
7.1 Planning of the realisation of a safe feed
7.2 Requirements for the feed
7.2.1 Determination of feed requirements
7.2.2 Review of feed requirements
7.2.3 Description of the feed based on requiremens (specifications)
7.2.4 Communication with the customer
7.3 Process information
7.3.1 Flow diagrams of the process
7.3.2 Diagram of the organisation
7.4 Hazard analysis
7.4.1 Identification of hazards
7.4.2 Risk assessment
7.5 Establishment of Critical Control Points (CCP's)
7.5.1 Determination of control measures
7.5.2 Establishment of Critical Control Points (CCP's)
7.6 Standards
7.7 Monitoring and measuring
7.7.1 Monitoring plan
7.7.2 Monitoring plan (supplementary for processing of feed addivites / veterinary medical products)
7.8 Corrective actions
7.9 Validation of the HACCP plan
7.10 Purchasing
7.10.1 Purchasing process
7.10.2 Purchasing data
7.10.3 Verification of the purchased product or service
7.11 Production
7.11.1 Customer property
7.11.2 Mainetenance of the product
7.11.3 Labelling and delivery
8.1 General
8.2 Internal audit
8.3 Verification of the feed safety management system
8.4 improvement
8.4.1 Continual improvement
8.4.2 Corrective action
8.4.3 Preventive action
Choose an article....
4.1 Management: responsibility and involvement
4.2 HACCP team
4.3 The feed safety management system
4.4 Documentation and registration
4.4.1 Quality documentation and manual
4.4.2 Control of documentation and data
5.1 Personnel
5.1.1 General
5.1.2 Competency and training
5.2 Infrastructure
5.2.1 Environment
5.2.2 Facilities and equipment
5.2.3 Access regulation
5.2.4 Other items
5.3 Maintenance and hygiëne management
5.3.1 Maintenance
5.3.2 Maintenance of measuring equipment
5.3.3 Cleaning and sanitizing
5.3.4 Pest prevention and -control
5.3.5 Waste management
5.3.6 Glass and breakable materials
5.4 Identification and traceability / sampling
5.4.1 Identification and traceability
5.4.2 Sampling
5.5 EWS and Recall
6.1 Planning of the realisation fo a safe feed
6.2 Description of product and process
6.2.1 Determination of requirements
6.2.2 Specification of feed ingredients
6.2.3 Process description
6.3 Hazard analysis
6.3.1 Hazard identification
6.3.2 Risk assessment
6.4 Establishing control measures and Critical Control Points (CCP's)
6.4.1 Establishing control measures
6.4.2 Establishing Critical Control Points (CCP's)
6.5 Establishing critical limits
6.6 Monitoring
6.7 Corrective actions
6.8 Validation and verification
6.8.1 Validation
6.8.2 Verification
7.1 Purchase
7.1.1 General
7.1.2 Purchasing
7.1.3 Assessment of suppliers
7.2 Verification of received products
7.3 Storage
7.3.1 General
7.4 Production
7.4.1 General
7.4.2 Non conforming products
7.5 Sale and contracts
7.6 Labelling and delivery requirements
7.7 Transport
7.7.1 General
7.7.2 Road transport with own means of transport
7.7.3 Road transport, carried out by subcontractors
7.7.4 Road transport, contracted by third parties (participant is not responsible for transport)
7.7.5 Transport via inland waterway, by sea and by rail
8.1 Complaints
8.2 Internal audit
8.3 Management and review and improvement
Choose an article....
4.1 Management responsibility
4.2 Person responsible for quality
4.3 Requirements for the feed safety system
4.4 Documentation and registration
4.4.1 Documentation and quality manual
4.4.2 Administration of documentation and data
5.1 Personnel
5.1.1 General
5.1.2 Competency and training
5.2 Infrastructure
5.2.1 Environment
5.2.2 Production areas and equipment
5.2.3 Access control
5.2.4 Other requirements
5.3 Maintenance and hygiene
5.3.1 Maintenance
5.3.2 Maintenance of measuring equipment
5.3.3 Cleaning
5.3.4 Prevention and control of pest
5.3.5 Waste management
5.3.6 Glass and breakable materials
5.4 Identification and traceability / sampling
5.4.1 Identification and traceability
5.4.2 Sampling
5.5 EWS en Recall
6.1 Planning of the realization of safe feed
6.2 HACCP team
6.3 Description of products and processes
6.3.1 Determination of requirements
6.3.2 Specification of feeds
6.3.3 Description of the process
6.4 Hazards analysis
6.4.1 Identification of hazards
6.4.2 Risk estimation
6.5 Establishment of contrl measures and CCP's (Critical Control Points)
6.5.1 The establishment of specific control measures
6.5.2 Determine the CP's (Critical Control Points)
6.6 Determination of stadards
6.7 Monitoring
6.8 Corrective actions
6.9 Validation and verification
6.9.1 Validation
6.9.2 Verification
7.1 Trade in feeds
7.1.1 General
7.1.2 Purchasing
7.1.3 Assessment of suppliers
7.1.4 Verification of the purchased product
7.1.5 Non-standard products
7.1.6 Sale and contracts
7.1.7 Labelling and delivery
7.2 Storage
7.2.1 General
7.2.2 Verification of incoming products ("entry check")
7.2.3 Storage & transshipment
7.2.4 Cleaning/sieving/filtering
7.2.5 Drying and vertilating
7.2.6 Other activities
7.2.7 Non-standard feeds
7.2.8 Storage as a service for third parties
7.3 Transport
7.3.1 General
7.3.2 Own road transport
7.3.3 road transport carried out by a subcontractor
7.3.4 Transport via inland waterway, by sea and by train
7.3.5 Transport for which thrid parties are responsible
8.1 Complaints
Choose an article....
4.1 Responsibility of the management
4.1.1 General
4.2 Quality manual
4.2.1 Documentation and registration
4.2.2 Identification and traceability
4.2.3 Complaints and calamity registration
4.2.4 Product recall
4.3 Verification
5.1 Personnel
5.2 Company promises
5.3 Birds, pets and pests
5.4 Cleaning and disinfection
5.5 Waste and toxic material
6.0 Process control
7.0 Purchasing
PART 2 Registration forms for the distributive trade guide
Annex 1 Recall plan
Annex 2 Example agreement (storage) company
Annex 3 Example agreement carrier
Choose an article....
4.1 Management responsibility
4.2 Person responsible for quality
4.3 requirements for the feed safety management system
4.4 Documentation and registration
4.4.1 Documentation and quality manual
4.4.2 Management of documentation and data
5.1 Personnel
5.1.1 General
5.1.2 Competency and training
5.2 Infrastructure
5.2.1 Environment
5.2.2 Production areas and equipment
5.3 Maintenance and hygiene
5.3.1 Maintenance
5.3.2 Prevention and control of pest
5.3.3 Waste management
5.4 Identification and traceability
5.4.1 Identification and traceability
5.5 EWS (early warning system) and Recall
7.1 Purchase
7.1.1 Use of external transport
7.2 Freight brokerage / planning
7.2.1 Accepting an order
7.2.2 Freight brokerage records
7.2.3 Issuing an order for LCI (short sea shipping, inland waterway shipping, transport by sea and by rail)
7.2.4 Implementation of an LCI (short sea shipping, inland waterway shipping, transport by sea and by rail)
7.2.5 LCI reporting (short sea shipping, inland waterway shipping, transport by sea and by rail)
7.3 Transport
7.3.1 Transport
7.3.2 Cleaning
7.3.3 Registration
8.1 Complaints
8.2 Internal audit
8.3 Assessment of the management system and improvements
Annex A Example of a GMP+ LCI report
Choose an article....
2 Feed safety management system objective
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2.1 GMP+ documents
3.1 Quality system
3.2 Organisation diagram
3.3 Management of the quality system
4.1 Records
4.2 Manual
4.3 Date and authorisation
5.1 Enviroment
5.2 Access regulation
5.3 Facilities
7.1 Items to be recorded
7.2 Logboek
8.1 Specifications
8.2 Check
8.3 List of authorised suppliers
8.4 Identification
8.5 Precautionary measures
8.6 Instructions
9.1 instructions and description
9.2 Familiarity with the instructions
10.1 Registration
10.2 Reporting
10.3 Archiving
10.4 Protection data
11.1 Quality control plan
11.2 Records
11.3 Frequency
11.4 reporting
12.1 Participation
12.2 Administration
12.3 Instigation of testing
13. Contracting out to other laboratories
14. Complaints procedure
15. Quality control of the testing and calibration results
16. Serological classification for salmonella
Choose an article....
3. Terms and defenitions
4.1 General
4.2 HACCP hazard analysis
4.3 Monitoring and sampling
4.4 Audits
4.5 File
4.6 Action plan
5 Production
6 Labelling
Annex 1: example of a feed safety sheet
Choose an article....
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Purchase of feed ingredients
4.2.1 Scope
4.2.2 General
4.2.3 HACCP hazard analysis
4.2.4 Monitoring and auditing
4.2.5 File
4.2.6 Action Plan
4.3 Purchase of transport
4.3.1 Scope
4.3.2 General
4.3.3 Controlling non-certified bulk transport
4.4 Purchase of storage
4.4.1 General
4.4.2 Storage in bulk
4.5 Purchase of laboratory analysis
5 Specific remarks regarding application of GMP+
Annex 1 Example of a feed safety sheet
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4.1 General
4.2 Sampling and analysis
4.3 Reporting and sharing data
5.1 Limit
5.2 Exceedence of limit
5.3 Providing information
Choose an article....
4.1 General
4.2 HACCP Hazard analysis
4.3 Monitoring and sampling
4.4 Audits
4.5 File
4.6 Action plan
5 Production
6 Transport
7 Labelling and declaration
Annex 1 Example of a feed safety sheet
Annex 2 Examples for application of the country note
Scheme 2020
Choose a document...
R 1.0 Feed Safety Management Systems Requirements
TS 1.1 Prerequisite programme
TS 1.2 Purchase
TS 1.3 Product list
TS 1.4 Borbidden Products and Fuels
TS 1.5 Specific feed safety limits
TS 1.6 Sampling
TS 1.7 Monitoring
TS 1.8 Labelling
TS 1.9 Transport activities
TS 1.10 Operational activities
TS 1.11 Control of residues
TS 2.1 Country Note Italy
TS 2.2 Country Note Vietnam
TS 2.3 Country Note Central & Eastern Europe
TS 2.4 Country Note China
TS 2.5 Country Note Iberian Penisula
TS 2.6 Country Note Dioxin monitoring for poultry feed
TS 2.7 Country Note Antibiotic-free feed
TS 2.8 Country Note QM-Milch
TS 3.1 Trade to livestock farms
TS 3.2 Production and Trade in Pet foods
TS 3.3 Inland waterway transport and short sea shipping of feed
TS 4.1 Laboratory testing
TS 4.2 Registered laboratories
R 5.0 Feed Responsibility Management Systems Requirements
MI 5.1 Production and Trade of RTRS soy
MI 5.2 Responsible Pig and Poultry feed
MI 5.3 Responsible dairy feed
MI 5.4 GMO controlled
MI 5.5 Carbon footprint of feed
MI 5.6 Production and Trade of responsible feed
Choose an article....
4.0 The context of the GMP+ certified company
4.1 Compliance with Feed legislation and this Standard
4.2 Understanding the Needs and Expectations of interested parties
4.3 Determining the scope of the Feed Safety Management System
4.4 Feed Safety Management System
5.0 Leadership
5.1 Leadership and Commitment
5.2 Feed safety policy
5.2.1 Establishing feed safety policy
5.2.2 Communicating feed safety policy
5.3 Organisational Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities
5.3.1 Top management's Responsibilities and Authorities
5.3.2 Responsibilities of the Feed Safety Team leader
5.3.3 Responsibilities of the Validation Team
5.3.4 Responsibilities of all persons involved
6.0 Planning
6.1 The Objectives of the FSMS and how to achieve them
6.2 Planning of changes
7.0 Support
7.1 Resources
7.1.1 General
7.1.2 People
7.1.3 Infrastructure
7.1.4 Work environment
7.1.5 Management of suppliers
7.2 Competence
7.3 Awareness
7.4 Communication
7.4.1 General
7.4.2 External communication
7.4.3 Internal communication
7.5 Documented information
7.5.1 General
7.5.2 Creating and Updating
7.5.3 Control of documented information
8.0 Operation
8.1 Operational Planning and Control
8.2 Prerequisite programmes (PRPs)
8.3 Traceability system
8.4 Emergency Preparedness and Response
8.4.1 General
8.4.2 Handling of Emergencies and Incidents
8.5 Hazard control
8.5.1 Preliminary steps to enable hazard analysis Characteristics of ingredients Characteristics of end-products Intended use Flow diagrams and Description of processes Preparing flow diagrams Preparing a floor plan On-site conformation of Flow diagrams and Floor Plan
8.5.2 Hazard analysis Hazard identification Risk assessment Establishing Critical Control Points (CCPs)
8.5.3 CCP control Determine feed safety limits for CCPs Monitoring CCPs
8.6 Validation & Verification
8.6.1 Validation
8.6.2 Verification Verification of the HACCP plan Analysing the results of verification activities
8.7 Control of Product and Process nonconformities
8.7.1 Define Corrections and Corrective actions
8.7.2 Handling of potentially unsafe products General Evaluation of potentially unsafe products Disposition of nonconforming products Withdrawal / Recall
9.0 Performance evaluation of the FSMS
9.1 Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and Evaluation
9.1.1 General
9.1.2 Analysis and Evaluation
9.2 Internal audit
9.3 Management review
9.3.1 General
9.3.2 Management review input
9.3.3 Management review output
10.0 Improvement
10.1 Nonconformity and Corrective action
10.2 Continual improvement
10.3 Update of the FSMS
Choose an article....
1.0 Infrastructure
1.1 Regulating access
1.2 Facilities and Equipment
2.0 Maintenance
3.0 Personal hygiene
4.0 Utilities
4.1 Air movement
4.2 Water and Steam
4.3 Drying and Ventilating
5.0 Pest control
6.0 Waste management
7.0 Cleaning and Sanitising
8.0 Prevention of cross-contamination
9.0 Incoming Products & Services and Sales
9.1 Verification of Products and/or Services
9.2 Sale and Contract
10.0 Traceability system
Choose an article....
3.0. Overview of GMP+ and Accepted certificates
3.1. Purchase of Compound feed and Semi-manufactured products
3.2. Purchase of premixtures
3.3. Purchase of feed additives
3.4. Purchase of feed materials
3.4.1. General
3.4.2. Purchase of feed materials from companies with specific certificates
3.5. Purchase of storage and transshipment
3.6. Purchase of transport
3.7. Purchase of affreightment
3.8. Purchase of laboratory services
3.9. Purchase of other services
4.0. Gatekeeper options
4.1. General gatekeeper requirements
4.2. Feed products and Services which cannot be purchased under a gatekeeper protocol
4.3. Gatekeeper requirements for purchase of specific feed ingredients
4.3.1. Purchase of unprocessed agricultural products from grower for use in or as feed
4.3.2. Purchase of unprocessed Grains, (Oil-) Seeds and Legumes out of a collect chain
4.3.3. Purchase of Feed Additives, Foodstuffs, Pharma products
4.3.4. Purchase of former foodstuffs
4.3.5. Purchase of palm oil
4.3.6. Purchase of feed materials of mineral origin
4.3.7. Purchase of Herbs and Spices
4.3.8. Purchase of processed feed materials
4.3.9. Purchase of feed for feed trial
4.4. Gatekeeper requirements for purchase of feed services
4.4.1. Purchase of road transport
4.4.2. Purchase of inland waterway transport
4.4.3. Purchase of storage and transshipment
4.5. Special gatekeeping options
4.5.1. Other Products and Services
4.5.2. Raw materials for soap stock splitting
1.0. Product list
Choose an article....
1.0. Products not allowed to be used in feed
2.0. Forbidden fuels for direct drying
Choose an article....
1.0. Introduction / Scope of this document
2.0. Specific feed safety limits
Choose an article....
1.0. Basic principles
2.0. Requirements for samplers
2.1. Working conditions
2.2. Training and Experience
3.0. Storage Duration and Condition
5.0. Sampling protocols
5.1. Sampling protocol: Dry and Wet feed materials delivery by Inland waterways vessel / Coaster
5.2. Sampling protocol: Feed materials, Compound feed, Premixtures and Feed additives in receptacles
5.3. Sampling protocol: Compound feed, Dry feed materials, Premixtures and Feed additives in bulk per axle or during bagging
5.4. Sampling protocol: Liquid feed materials and Wet feed in bulk, Transport per axle
5.5. Sampling protocol: forage products
5.6. Sampling protocol: products in Tank storage and Silos or sheds in the event of an emergency or an incident
5.7. Sampling protocol: samples for microbiological examination
Choose an article....
1.0. General monitoring requirements
1.1. Monitoring plan
1.2. Monitoring frequency
1.3. Sampling
1.4. Collective monitoring plan
2.0. Monitoring protocol of Aflatoxin B1 in Maize and By-products of maize
2.1. General requirements
2.1.1. Scope
2.1.2. Application
2.1.3. Countries of cultivation
2.1.4. Place of sampling
2.1.5. Sample preparation
2.1.6. Analysing Analyse method Sharing of analyse results
2.2. Requirements per Classification of Countries of Cultivation
2.2.1. High risk countries Application Monitoring frequency Size of batches Sampling
2.2.2. Medium risk countries Application Monitoring frequency Size of the batch Sampling
2.2.3. Low risk countries Application Monitoring frequency Size of the batch Sampling
3.0. Monitoring protocol of Aflatoxin B1 in feed materials (for use in feed) for dairy cattle
3.1. General requirements
3.1.1. Scope
3.1.2. Application
3.2. Monitoring frequency
3.3. Sampling
3.4. Analysing
3.4.1. Analyse method
3.4.2. Sharing of analysis results
4.0. Monitoring protocol of salmonella-critical feed materials
4.1. General requirements
4.1.1. Scope
4.1.2. Application
4.1.3. Documentation requirements
4.1.4. Monitoring frequency
4.1.5. Sampling
4.1.6. Analysing Analyse method Sharing of analyse results
4.2. Additional requirements
5.0. Monitoring protocol of Salmonella and Enterobacteriaceae in feed for poultry
5.1. General requirements
5.1.1. Scope
5.1.2. Application
5.2. Monitoring frequency
5.3. Sampling
5.4. Analysing
5.4.1. Analyse method
5.4.2. Sharing of analyse results
6.0. Monitoring protocol of Salmonella and Enterobacteriaceae in compound feed (with the exception of feed for poultry)
6.1. General requirements
6.1.1. Scope
6.1.2. Application
6.2. Monitoring frequency
6.2.1. Salmonella reducing treatment
6.2.2. No salmonella reducing treatment
6.3. Sampling
6.4. Analysing
6.4.1. Analyse method
6.4.2. Sharing of analyse results
7.0. Monitoring protocol of animal protein
7.1. General requirements
7.1.1. Scope
7.1.2. Application
7.2. Monitoring frequency
7.3. Analysing
7.3.1. Analyse method
7.3.2. Sharing of analyse results
8.0. Monitoring protocol of oils and fats as regards dioxin and dioxin like PCB's
8.1. General requirements
8.1.1. Scope
8.1.2. Application
8.2. Definitions
8.3. Monitoring frequency
8.4. Positive release
8.5. Sampling
8.6. Analysing
8.6.1. Analyse method
8.6.2. Sharing of analyse results
9.0. Monitoring protocolfor by-products of the oils and fats industry
9.1. General requirements
9.1.1. Scope
9.1.2. Application
9.2. Defenitions
9.3. Monitoring frequency
9.4. Sampling
9.5. Analysing
9.5.1. Analyse method
9.5.2. Sharing of analyse results
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1.0. Labelling
1.1. General
1.2. Labelling of By-products of the oils and fats industry
2.0. Positive declaration
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2.0. Ordering the transport of feed
3.0. Affreightment of loading compartment
3.1. Accepting an order to transport feed
3.2. Requirements regarding loading compartments
3.2.1. Selecting a loading compartment
3.2.2. Issuing an order for loading compartment inspection (only applicable in the case of short sea shipping, inland waterway shipping, transport by sea and rail)
3.2.3. Execution of a loading compartment inspection (only applicable in the case of short sea shipping, inland waterway shipping, transport by sea and rail)
3.2.4. Acceptance of loading compartment (only applicable in the case of short sea shipping, inland waterway shipping, transport by sea and rail)
4.0. Transport of feed
4.1. Cleaning of loading compartment before loading
4.2. Transporting of feed
4.2.1. Requirements for loading compartments Additional requirements for combination vehicles
4.3. Documentation requirements
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1.0 Operational activities
1.1 Control of production
1.2 Processing aids
1.3 Dosage
1.4 Mixing
1.5 Pelletising, Expansion and Extruding
1.6 Packaging
1.7 Cleaning, Sieving, Filtering
1.8 Returns
1.9 Storage
1.9.1. Control of Storage as property and as a Service for third parties
1.9.2. Additional requirements for storage as a service
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2.0 Limits for critical residues
2.1 General
2.2 Limits for residues of feed additives
2.3 Limits for residues of veterinary medicinal products
2.4 Limits for residues of other Feed additives / Veterinary medicinal products
3.0 Additional requirements for the control of residues
3.1 General / Installation
3.2 Control of residues via production sequence
3.2.1. General
3.2.2. Carry-over percentage of installation
3.2.3. Safety factor
3.2.4. Validation and Periodically verification (monitoring)
3.2.5. Additional information about the safety factor
4.0 Methods for measuring carry-over
4.1 Introduction
4.2 General basic principles with respect to the measurement of carry-over
4.3 Testing procedure for the carry-over in compound feed mixing using a mix of manganese oxide and a protein-rich and a protein-poor mix
4.4 Testing procedure for the measurement of carry-over in Premixtures and Additives installations
4.5 Testing procedure for the process accuracy of compound feed with microtracers
5.0 Methods for measuring homogeneity of dry mixtures
Choose an article....
2.0 Scope, Application & Certification
2.2 Application
2.3 Certification for companies
4.0 Purchase of non-assured feed materials
4.1 General
4.2 HACCP hazard analysis
4.3 Monitoring and Sampling
4.4 Audits
4.5 File
4.6 Action plan
5.0 Production
6.0 Transport
7.0 Labelling and Delivery
Choose an article....
2.0 Scope, Application & Certification
2.2 Application
2.3 Certification for companies
4.0 Specific requirements for business locations
5.0 Purchase of feed material from a non-GMP+ FSA certified supplier
5.1 General
5.2 Assurance of safe feed materials
5.3 Elements of the GMP+ gatekeeper system
5.3.1. Scope
5.3.2. Desk study
5.3.3. Initial supplier audit
5.3.4. HACCP analysis
5.3.5. Monitoring and Product verification
5.3.6. Periodical supplier audit
5.4 Supplier's improvement programme
5.5 Country Note documentation
6.0 Declaration and Delivery
6.1 Declaration
6.2 Delivery
Choose an article....
2.0 Scope, Application & Certification
2.2 Application
2.3 Certification for companies
4.0 Purchase of non-assured feed materials
4.1 General
4.2 HACCP hazard analysis
4.3 Monitoring and Sampling
4.4 Audits
4.5 File
4.6 Action Plan
6.0 Labelling and Delivery
Choose an article....
2.0 Scope and Application & Certification
2.2 Application
2.3 Certification for companies
4.0 Gatekeeper requirements
4.1 Purchase of feed ingredients
4.1.1. Scope
4.1.2. General
4.1.3. HACCP hazard analysis
4.1.4. Monitoring and Auditing
4.1.5. File
4.1.6. Supplier's improvement programme
4.2 Purchase of transport
4.2.1. Scope
4.2.2. General
4.2.3. Controlling non-certified bulk transport
4.3 Purchase of storage
4.3.1. General
4.3.2. Storage in bulk
4.4 Purchase of laboratory analysis
5.0 Specific remarks regarding application of GMP+
Choose an article....
2.0 Scope and Application & Certification
2.2 Application
2.3 Certification for companies
4.0 Specific requirements for business locations
5.0 Purchase of non-assured feed materials ('gatekeeping')
5.1 General requirements
5.2 Elements of the GMP+ gatekeeper system
5.3 Sampling and Monitoring
5.3.1. Sampling
5.3.2. Monitoring
5.3.3. Inclusion of results in GMP+ Monitoring database
5.4 Supplier audits
5.5 Supplier's improvement programme
5.6 Documentation
6.0 Road transport
6.1 Gatekeeping of tractionairs
6.2 Gatekeeping for subcontracting of road transport by transport companies or stevedores
6.3 Supplier's improvement programme
6.4 Release procedure after transport of forbidden loads
Choose an article....
2.0 Scope and Application & Certification
2.2 Application
2.3 Certification for companies
4.0 Dioxin monitoring in laying hens (rearing) feed
4.1 General
4.2 Analysis frequency
4.3 Sampling
4.4 Analysis
4.5 Analysis results
4.6 Exceeding the Action limit
4.7 Exceeding the Rejection limit
Choose an article....
2.0 Scope and Application & Certification
2.2 Application
2.3 Certification for companies
4.0 Conditions for antibiotic-free feed
4.1 General
4.2 Antibiotic-free feed produced at an antibiotic-free production site
4.3 Antibiotic-free feed produced on antibiotic-free production line(s)
4.4 Transport
4.5 Labelling
4.6 Monitoring
4.6.1. Sampling
4.6.2. Analyzing
4.6.3. Analysis results
4.6.4. Reporting analysis results
Choose an article....
2.0 Scope and Application & Certification
2.2 Application
2.3 Certification for companies
4.0 Monitoring
4.1 General
4.2 Sampling and Analysis
4.3 Reporting and Sharing data
5.0 Assessment and follow-up Measures
5.1 Limit
5.2 Exceedance of limit
5.3 Providing information
Choose an article....
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Scope and application of this document
1.3 Exclusion of requirements
3.0 HACCP system requirements
3.1 Responsibility of the management
3.2 Quality manual
3.2.1. Documentation and Registration
3.2.2. Identification and Traceability
3.2.3. Complaints and Incidents registration
3.2.4. Feed recall
3.3 Verification (internal audit)
4.0 Prerequisites
4.1 Personnel
4.2 Company premises
4.3 Pest control
4.4 Cleaning and Disinfection
4.5 Waste and Toxic material
5.0 Process control
5.1 Purchasing
5.2 Taking delivery of packaged products at own company premises
5.2.1. Returns
5.3 Storage
5.3.1. Storage of packaged feed at own company premises
5.3.2. Storage of Bulk and Packaged feed products by third parties
5.4 Sales (including repackaging and delivery)
5.5 Transport
5.5.1. Inbound and Outbound transport of packaged products in own management
5.5.2. Delivery of Bulk and Packaged products by third parties
Choose an article....
0.1 Introduction
0.1.1 Scope and application of this document
0.1.3 Exclusion of requirements
1.0 Pet food safety management system
1.1 Management responsibilities and resource
1.1.1. Management commitment, responsibility and policy
1.1.2. Pet food safety organization Organisational chart Competency, awareness and education Pet food safety leader: responsibility, authority and communication
1.1.3. Management review
1.2 Traceability
1.2.1. Definition, scope and boundaries
1.2.2. Registration and approval of operators
1.2.3. Documentation system
1.2.4. Review and verification
1.2.5. Complaints and product recall/product withdrawal
2.0 Pre-requisite programmes
2.1 Facilities and plant design
2.1.1. Exterior
2.1.2. Food defence, biovigilance and bioterrorism
2.1.3. Interior
2.1.4. Construction
2.1.5. Sanitary facilities
2.2 Utilities
2.2.1. General requirements
2.2.2. Water
2.2.3. Air (or gas)
2.2.4. Lighting
2.3 Waste disposal
2.3.1. General requirements
2.3.2. Containers for waste
2.3.3. Waste management and removal
2.3.4. Drains and drainage
2.3.5. Spoilage and dust
2.4 Equipment
2.4.1. Equipment
2.4.2. Calibration
2.5 Mixing & homogenity
2.6 Management of incoming materials
2.6.1. General requirements
2.6.2. Vendor/Supplier approval system
2.6.3. Specifications
2.6.4. Handling of incoming material
2.7 Cleaning and sanitation
2.7.1. Cleaning & sanitising procedures
2.7.2. Integrated pest management system
2.7.3. Chemicals control policy
2.7.4. Foreign bodies control policy
2.7.5. Pathogens monitoring
2.8 Personnel
2.8.1. Training
2.8.2. Hygiene and health Personnel hygiene Workwear & Personnel protective clothing
2.8.3. Staff facilities
2.9 Rework
2.10 Transport and storage
2.10.1. General requirements
2.10.2. Transport
2.10.3. Storage
2.11 Product information and consumer awareness
2.11.1. General requirements
2.11.2. Product information
3.0 HACCP System
3.1 Definition, scope and boundaries
3.1.1. Definition
3.1.2. Scope and boundaries
3.2 The HACCP system: step by step
3.2.1. Principle 1: Conduct a Hazard analysis
3.2.2. Principle 2: Determine Critical Control Points (CCPs)
3.2.3. Principle 3: Establish critical limits for each CCP or OPRP
3.2.4. Principle 4: Establish a monitoring system for each CCP and OPRP
3.2.5. Principle 5: Establish corrective actions
3.2.6. Principle 6: Establish verification procedures
3.2.7. Principle 7: Establish Documentation and Record keeping
3.3 List of hazards
Choose an article....
2 Is the owner of the inland waterway vessel registered with the competent authority?
1a/b,9a/b Are the required technical changes / cleaning procedures applied in order to get the dedicated status?
1a/b, 9a/b In case of dedicated transport: has the vessel been transporting only food and / or feed for more than 6 months?
1a/b Is a statement present and properly filled out?
2 Are LCI forms available of all transported loads?
2 Does the log match LCIs?
6/7/8/10 Are pollution, contamination, deterioration and other undesired processes prevented during the transport process?
6/7/8/11 Have nonconformities observed been reported to the principal?
6,7,8 Have the corrective measures been taken?
8 Are there any unloading receipts?
11 Inspection of travel log and / or cargo log of the use over the past period.
11 Are all required registrations included in the travel log and / or the cargo log
12 Has the protest letter been used where necessary?
14 Is the additional documentation also available per transported batch of feed?
14 Is all documentation relevant for feed safety stored in an orderly fashion?
14 Are the documents retained long enough?
16 Is the system revised in case of external changes?
16 Is an up-to-date version of the GMP+ B4.3 standard (including cleaning list and list of forbidden loads) demonstrably present aboard the vessel?
15 Are the relevant skipper and all employees sufficiently aware of how the work plans work and are designed and of the relevant legislation?
3 Is personal hygiene and feed safety observed aboard?
4.2 Does the vessel meet the prerequisites?
4.2 Are the work plans properly applied?
4.2 Are the loading compartments inspected for all batches of feed?
13 Are the complaints registered and adequately handled?
5a/b/c Are any special agreements regarding cleaning adheared to?
4 Are the work methods aboard hygienic?
5a/b/c Is, at least, the prescribed cleaning procedure used?
5c Is the material you use and that comes into contact with feed, cleaned and is this cleaning registered?
9c, Annex 1 Is the required cleaning procedure applied after loads of glass (broken, recycled, etc.)?
9c Has, after the transport of the products on the "list of prior forbidden loads" the loading compartment been released in accordance with the prescribed procedure?
2, 5a/b/c,11 Is the cleaning of the loading compartments registered?
Choose an article....
2.0 Organisation and Quality Policy
2.1 Quality system
2.2 Organisational diagram
2.3 Management of the quality system
3.0 Documentation
3.1 Documented information
3.2 Manual
3.3 Date and Authorisation
4.0 Facilities and Environmental conditions
4.1 Environmental conditions
4.2 Regulating access
4.3 Utilities
5.0 Personnel
6.0 Equipment
6.1 Items to retain as documented information
6.2 Logbook
7.0 Samples, Standard, Reference and Auxiliary material
7.1 Specifications
7.2 Check
7.3 List of authorised suppliers
7.4 Identification
7.5 Precautionary measures
7.6 Instructions
8.0 Instructions
8.1 Instructions and Description
8.2 Familiarity with the instructions
9.0 Registration, Reporting and Retaining
9.1 Registration
9.2 Reporting
9.3 Retaining documented information
9.4 Protection data
10.0 Quality control plan and Internal audits
10.1 Quality control plan
10.2 Documentation
10.3 Frequency
10.4 Reporting
11.0 Ring test
11.1 Participation
11.2 Administration
11.3 Investigation of testing
12.0 Outsourcing
13.0 Complaints procedure
14.0 Quality control of the testing and calibration results
15.0 Serological classification for salmonella
Choose an article....
2.0 Requirements for GMP+ registration
3.0 Registration process
3.1 Registration and Assessment
3.2 Decision about registration
3.3 Information Certification Body
4.0 Performance criteria for laboratory testing
4.1 Aflatoxin B1
4.2 Sum of dioxins and dioxin-like PCB's
4.3 Dioxins
4.3.1. LOQ for Bioassays
4.4 Dioxin-like PCBs
4.5 Non-dioxin-like PCBs
4.6 Heavy Metals and Fluorine
5.0 Improvement
5.1 General
5.2 Proficiency testing
5.3 Planning
5.4 Administration
5.5 Interpretation of proficiency testing results
Choose an article....
4.0 System requirements
4.1 Feed Responsibility Management System
4.1.1. Leadership and commitment
4.1.2. Top management's responsibilities and authorities
4.1.3. Determining the scope of the Feed Responsibility Management System
4.1.4. Documented information
4.2 Prerequisite programmes (PRPs)
4.2.1. People
4.2.2. Traceability system
4.3 Risk Assessment
4.4 Purchase
4.4.1. Selection of suppliers
4.4.2. Verification of incoming products and/or services
4.5 Informing the customer
4.5.1. Inform the customer about the status of the feed
4.5.2. Delivery requirements
4.6 Verification
4.6.1. External communication
4.6.2. Internal audit
4.6.3. Management review
5.0 Supply chain models
5.1 Material accounting system
5.2 Segregation
5.2.1. Purchasing
5.2.2. Processing
5.2.3. Material accounting system
5.3 Mass balance
5.3.1. Purchasing
5.3.2. Material accounting system
5.3.3. Continuous balancing system
5.3.4. Fixed inventory period
5.4 Area Mass Balance
5.4.1. Purchasing
5.4.2. Material accounting system
5.5 Book & Claim
5.5.1. Purchasing
5.5.2. Material accounting system
5.5.3. Continuous balancing system
5.5.4. Fixed inventory period
Choose an article....
4.0 Production and Trade of RTRS soy
4.1 Feed Responsibility Management System
4.2 Purchasing requirements
4.2.1. Purchasing requirements for the scope RTRS Segregation
4.2.2. Purchasing requirements for the scope RTRS Mass balance
4.3 RTRS logo & claims
Choose an article....
4.0 Responsible Pig and Poultry feed
4.1 Feed Responsibility Management System
4.2 Purchasing requirements
4.2.1. Purchasing of responsible soy
4.2.2. Purchasing of credits
4.2.3. Purchasing of responsible compound feed
Choose an article....
4.0 Responsible dairy feed
4.1 Feed Responsibility Management System
4.2 Purchasing requirements
4.2.1. Purchasing of responsible soy
4.2.2. Purchasing of credits
4.2.3. Purchasing of responsible compound feed
Choose an article....
4.0 GMO controlled
4.1 Feed Responsibility Management System
4.1.1. Determining the scope of the Feed Responsibility Management System
4.2 Prerequisite programmes (PRPs)
4.2.1. People
4.2.2. Traceability system
4.3 Risk assessment
4.3.1. Additional requirements for trade
4.3.2. Additional requirements for production
4.4 Purchase
4.4.1. Selection of suppliers
4.4.2. Verification of incoming products and/or services Additional requirements for production
4.5 Informing the customer
4.5.1. Inform the customer about the status of the feed
4.6 Verification
4.6.1. External communication
5.0 Supply chain models
5.1 Segregation
6.0 Sampling and testing
6.1 General
6.2 Monitoring plan
6.2.1. Feed in which genetic modification cannot be detected
6.2.2. Feed in which genetic modification can be detected Requirements to sample takers Storage duration of samples Sampling and Testing frequency Sample preparation and Analysis
6.3 Handling of positive test results
Choose an article....
4.0 System requirements
5.0 Input for the CFP calculations
5.1 Composition of the feed
5.2 CFP-data of feed ingredients
5.3 Amounts of produced feed
5.4 Energy use feed production
6.0 Calculating the CFP of feed
6.1 General requirements for CFP calculations
6.2 Selection of calculation method for CPF feed production
6.3 Requirements for company-specific calculation of the CFP of feed production
6.4 CFP calculation using the default CFP-value for feed production
6.5 CFP calculation using the company-specific CFP-value for feed production
7. Additional calculation of emission factors for methane production of feed
8. Compensating the CPF-LUC indicator
8.1 The use of Satellite-based Land Use Change (SBLC) credits
9. Informing the customer
Choose an article....
4. Production and Trade of responsible feed
4.1 Feed Responsibility Management System
4.2 Purchasing requirements
4.2.1 Purchasing of responsible soy
4.2.2 Purchasing of credits
4.2.3 Purchasing of responsible compound feed
Certification body conclusion
Immediate resolution of the audit finding with intensification of the checks
Immediate suspension of the GMP+ certificate for a maximum of three months
Immediate withdrawal of the GMP+ certificate or temporary approval
Starting date suspension
Duration of suspension
Choose number of months...
Starting date of withdrawal
Is recall necessary?
Do you want to submit another Critical Nonconformity?
Choose the GMP+ requirement which the second Critical nonconformity is based on
Scheme 2010 (old)
Scheme 2020
Description of the audit finding (max 800 characters)
Scheme 2010 (old)
Choose a document...
GMP+ A1 General Regulation
GMP+ B1 Production, Trade & Services
GMP+ B1,2 Production, Trade & Services
GMP+ B2 Production of Feed Ingredients
GMP+ B3 Trade, Collection and Storage & Transshipment
GMP+ B3.2 Trade to Livestock Farms
GMP+ B4 Transport
GMP+ B8 Production of and Trade in Pet Foods
GMP+ B10 Laboratory testing
GMP+ BCN-CEE Central & Eastern Europe
GMP+ BCN-CN1 Supplier Assurance for China
GMP+ BCN-IT Specific requirements for Italy
Choose an article....
4 Certification criteria and procedure
7 Obligations of participants
Choose an article....
4.1 Requirements for the feed safety management system
4.2 Documentation
4.2.1 General
4.2.2 Quality manual
4.2.3 Control of the documentation
4.2.4 Control of the records
5.1 Management commitment
5.2 Feed safety policy
5.3 Planning
5.3.1 Feed safety objectives
5.3.2 Planning of the feed safety management system
5.4 Responsibility, authority and communication on feed safety
5.4.1 Responsibility and authority
5.4.2 HACCP-team
5.4.3 Management representative
5.4.4 Provision of resources
5.4.5 Internal communication
5.5 Management review
5.5.1 General
5.5.2 Review input
5.5.3 Review output
6.1 General
6.2 Personnel
6.2.1 General
6.2.2 Competence, awareness and training
6.3 Infrastructure
6.3.1 Basic requirements
6.3.2 Requirements for facilities, production areas, installations and other facilities
6.4 Work environment
6.4.1 Maintenance
6.4.2 Cleaning
6.4.3 Pest control
6.4.4 Waste control
6.5 Identification and traceability
6.6 EWS en Recall
6.7 Production
6.7.1 Control of production
7.1 Planning of the realization of a safe feed
7.2 requirements for the feed
7.2.1 Determination of feed requirements
7.2.2 Review of feed requirements
7.2.3 Description of the feed based on requirements (specifications)
7.2.4 Communication with the customer
7.3 Proces information
7.3.1 Flow diagrams of the process
7.3.2 Diagram of the organisation
7.4 Hazard analysis
7.4.1 Identification of hazards
7.4.2 Risk assessment
7.5 Establishment of Critical Control Points (CCP's)
7.5.1 Determination of control measures
7.5.2 Establishment of Critical Control Points (CCP's)
7.6 Stadards
7.7 Monitoring and measuring
7.7.1 Monitoring plan
7.7.2 Monitoring plan (supplementary for processing of feed addivites / feed medicines)
7.8 Corrective actions
7.9 Validation of the HACCP plan
7.10 Purchasing
7.10.1 Purchasing process
7.10.2 Purchasing data
7.10.3 Verification of the purchased product of service
7.11 Production
7.11.1 Customer property
7.11.2 Maintenance of the product
7.11.3 Labelling and delivery
8.1 General
8.2 Internal audit
8.3 Verification of the feed safety management system
8.4 Improvement
8.4.1 Continual improvement
8.4.2 Corrective action
8.4.3 Preventive action
Choose an article....
4.1 Requirements for the feed safety management system
4.2 Documentation
4.2.1 General
4.2.2 Quality sytem documentation
4.2.3 Control of the documentation
4.2.4 Control of the records
5.1 Management commitment
5.2 Feed safety policy
5.3 Planning
5.3.1 Feed safety opjectives
5.3.2 Planning of the feed safety management system
5.4 Responsibility, authority and communication on feed safety
5.4.1 Responsibility and authority
5.4.2 HACCP-team
5.4.3 Management representative
5.4.4 Provision of resources
5.4.5 Internal communication
5.5 Management review
5.5.1 General
5.5.2 Review input
5.5.3 Review output
6.1 General
6.2 Personnel
6.2.1 General
6.2.2 Competence, awareness and training
6.3 Infrastructure
6.3.1 Basic requiremens
6.3.2 Requirements for facilities, production areas, installations and other facilities
6.4 Work environment
6.4.1 Maintenance
6.4.2 Cleaning
6.4.3 Pest control
6.4.4 Waste control
6.5 Identification and traceability
6.6 EWS en Recall
6.7 Production
6.7.1 Control of production
7.1 Planning of the realisation of a safe feed
7.2 Requirements for the feed
7.2.1 Determination of feed requirements
7.2.2 Review of feed requirements
7.2.3 Description of the feed based on requiremens (specifications)
7.2.4 Communication with the customer
7.3 Process information
7.3.1 Flow diagrams of the process
7.3.2 Diagram of the organisation
7.4 Hazard analysis
7.4.1 Identification of hazards
7.4.2 Risk assessment
7.5 Establishment of Critical Control Points (CCP's)
7.5.1 Determination of control measures
7.5.2 Establishment of Critical Control Points (CCP's)
7.6 Standards
7.7 Monitoring and measuring
7.7.1 Monitoring plan
7.7.2 Monitoring plan (supplementary for processing of feed addivites / veterinary medical products)
7.8 Corrective actions
7.9 Validation of the HACCP plan
7.10 Purchasing
7.10.1 Purchasing process
7.10.2 Purchasing data
7.10.3 Verification of the purchased product or service
7.11 Production
7.11.1 Customer property
7.11.2 Mainetenance of the product
7.11.3 Labelling and delivery
8.1 General
8.2 Internal audit
8.3 Verification of the feed safety management system
8.4 improvement
8.4.1 Continual improvement
8.4.2 Corrective action
8.4.3 Preventive action
Choose an article....
4.1 Management: responsibility and involvement
4.2 HACCP team
4.3 The feed safety management system
4.4 Documentation and registration
4.4.1 Quality documentation and manual
4.4.2 Control of documentation and data
5.1 Personnel
5.1.1 General
5.1.2 Competency and training
5.2 Infrastructure
5.2.1 Environment
5.2.2 Facilities and equipment
5.2.3 Access regulation
5.2.4 Other items
5.3 Maintenance and hygiëne management
5.3.1 Maintenance
5.3.2 Maintenance of measuring equipment
5.3.3 Cleaning and sanitizing
5.3.4 Pest prevention and -control
5.3.5 Waste management
5.3.6 Glass and breakable materials
5.4 Identification and traceability / sampling
5.4.1 Identification and traceability
5.4.2 Sampling
5.5 EWS and Recall
6.1 Planning of the realisation fo a safe feed
6.2 Description of product and process
6.2.1 Determination of requirements
6.2.2 Specification of feed ingredients
6.2.3 Process description
6.3 Hazard analysis
6.3.1 Hazard identification
6.3.2 Risk assessment
6.4 Establishing control measures and Critical Control Points (CCP's)
6.4.1 Establishing control measures
6.4.2 Establishing Critical Control Points (CCP's)
6.5 Establishing critical limits
6.6 Monitoring
6.7 Corrective actions
6.8 Validation and verification
6.8.1 Validation
6.8.2 Verification
7.1 Purchase
7.1.1 General
7.1.2 Purchasing
7.1.3 Assessment of suppliers
7.2 Verification of received products
7.3 Storage
7.3.1 General
7.4 Production
7.4.1 General
7.4.2 Non conforming products
7.5 Sale and contracts
7.6 Labelling and delivery requirements
7.7 Transport
7.7.1 General
7.7.2 Road transport with own means of transport
7.7.3 Road transport, carried out by subcontractors
7.7.4 Road transport, contracted by third parties (participant is not responsible for transport)
7.7.5 Transport via inland waterway, by sea and by rail
8.1 Complaints
8.2 Internal audit
8.3 Management and review and improvement
Choose an article....
4.1 Management responsibility
4.2 Person responsible for quality
4.3 Requirements for the feed safety system
4.4 Documentation and registration
4.4.1 Documentation and quality manual
4.4.2 Administration of documentation and data
5.1 Personnel
5.1.1 General
5.1.2 Competency and training
5.2 Infrastructure
5.2.1 Environment
5.2.2 Production areas and equipment
5.2.3 Access control
5.2.4 Other requirements
5.3 Maintenance and hygiene
5.3.1 Maintenance
5.3.2 Maintenance of measuring equipment
5.3.3 Cleaning
5.3.4 Prevention and control of pest
5.3.5 Waste management
5.3.6 Glass and breakable materials
5.4 Identification and traceability / sampling
5.4.1 Identification and traceability
5.4.2 Sampling
5.5 EWS en Recall
6.1 Planning of the realization of safe feed
6.2 HACCP team
6.3 Description of products and processes
6.3.1 Determination of requirements
6.3.2 Specification of feeds
6.3.3 Description of the process
6.4 Hazards analysis
6.4.1 Identification of hazards
6.4.2 Risk estimation
6.5 Establishment of contrl measures and CCP's (Critical Control Points)
6.5.1 The establishment of specific control measures
6.5.2 Determine the CP's (Critical Control Points)
6.6 Determination of stadards
6.7 Monitoring
6.8 Corrective actions
6.9 Validation and verification
6.9.1 Validation
6.9.2 Verification
7.1 Trade in feeds
7.1.1 General
7.1.2 Purchasing
7.1.3 Assessment of suppliers
7.1.4 Verification of the purchased product
7.1.5 Non-standard products
7.1.6 Sale and contracts
7.1.7 Labelling and delivery
7.2 Storage
7.2.1 General
7.2.2 Verification of incoming products ("entry check")
7.2.3 Storage & transshipment
7.2.4 Cleaning/sieving/filtering
7.2.5 Drying and vertilating
7.2.6 Other activities
7.2.7 Non-standard feeds
7.2.8 Storage as a service for third parties
7.3 Transport
7.3.1 General
7.3.2 Own road transport
7.3.3 road transport carried out by a subcontractor
7.3.4 Transport via inland waterway, by sea and by train
7.3.5 Transport for which thrid parties are responsible
8.1 Complaints
Choose an article....
4.1 Responsibility of the management
4.1.1 General
4.2 Quality manual
4.2.1 Documentation and registration
4.2.2 Identification and traceability
4.2.3 Complaints and calamity registration
4.2.4 Product recall
4.3 Verification
5.1 Personnel
5.2 Company promises
5.3 Birds, pets and pests
5.4 Cleaning and disinfection
5.5 Waste and toxic material
6.0 Process control
7.0 Purchasing
PART 2 Registration forms for the distributive trade guide
Annex 1 Recall plan
Annex 2 Example agreement (storage) company
Annex 3 Example agreement carrier
Choose an article....
4.1 Management responsibility
4.2 Person responsible for quality
4.3 requirements for the feed safety management system
4.4 Documentation and registration
4.4.1 Documentation and quality manual
4.4.2 Management of documentation and data
5.1 Personnel
5.1.1 General
5.1.2 Competency and training
5.2 Infrastructure
5.2.1 Environment
5.2.2 Production areas and equipment
5.3 Maintenance and hygiene
5.3.1 Maintenance
5.3.2 Prevention and control of pest
5.3.3 Waste management
5.4 Identification and traceability
5.4.1 Identification and traceability
5.5 EWS (early warning system) and Recall
7.1 Purchase
7.1.1 Use of external transport
7.2 Freight brokerage / planning
7.2.1 Accepting an order
7.2.2 Freight brokerage records
7.2.3 Issuing an order for LCI (short sea shipping, inland waterway shipping, transport by sea and by rail)
7.2.4 Implementation of an LCI (short sea shipping, inland waterway shipping, transport by sea and by rail)
7.2.5 LCI reporting (short sea shipping, inland waterway shipping, transport by sea and by rail)
7.3 Transport
7.3.1 Transport
7.3.2 Cleaning
7.3.3 Registration
8.1 Complaints
8.2 Internal audit
8.3 Assessment of the management system and improvements
Annex A Example of a GMP+ LCI report
Choose an article....
2 Feed safety management system objective
Choose an article....
2.1 GMP+ documents
3.1 Quality system
3.2 Organisation diagram
3.3 Management of the quality system
4.1 Records
4.2 Manual
4.3 Date and authorisation
5.1 Enviroment
5.2 Access regulation
5.3 Facilities
7.1 Items to be recorded
7.2 Logboek
8.1 Specifications
8.2 Check
8.3 List of authorised suppliers
8.4 Identification
8.5 Precautionary measures
8.6 Instructions
9.1 instructions and description
9.2 Familiarity with the instructions
10.1 Registration
10.2 Reporting
10.3 Archiving
10.4 Protection data
11.1 Quality control plan
11.2 Records
11.3 Frequency
11.4 reporting
12.1 Participation
12.2 Administration
12.3 Instigation of testing
13. Contracting out to other laboratories
14. Complaints procedure
15. Quality control of the testing and calibration results
16. Serological classification for salmonella
Choose an article....
3. Terms and defenitions
4.1 General
4.2 HACCP hazard analysis
4.3 Monitoring and sampling
4.4 Audits
4.5 File
4.6 Action plan
5 Production
6 Labelling
Annex 1: example of a feed safety sheet
Choose an article....
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Purchase of feed ingredients
4.2.1 Scope
4.2.2 General
4.2.3 HACCP hazard analysis
4.2.4 Monitoring and auditing
4.2.5 File
4.2.6 Action Plan
4.3 Purchase of transport
4.3.1 Scope
4.3.2 General
4.3.3 Controlling non-certified bulk transport
4.4 Purchase of storage
4.4.1 General
4.4.2 Storage in bulk
4.5 Purchase of laboratory analysis
5 Specific remarks regarding application of GMP+
Annex 1 Example of a feed safety sheet
Choose an article....
4.1 General
4.2 Sampling and analysis
4.3 Reporting and sharing data
5.1 Limit
5.2 Exceedence of limit
5.3 Providing information
Choose an article....
4.1 General
4.2 HACCP Hazard analysis
4.3 Monitoring and sampling
4.4 Audits
4.5 File
4.6 Action plan
5 Production
6 Transport
7 Labelling and declaration
Annex 1 Example of a feed safety sheet
Annex 2 Examples for application of the country note
Scheme 2020
Choose a document...
R 1.0 Feed Safety Management Systems Requirements
TS 1.1 Prerequisite programme
TS 1.2 Purchase
TS 1.3 Product list
TS 1.4 Borbidden Products and Fuels
TS 1.5 Specific feed safety limits
TS 1.6 Sampling
TS 1.7 Monitoring
TS 1.8 Labelling
TS 1.9 Transport activities
TS 1.10 Operational activities
TS 1.11 Control of residues
TS 2.1 Country Note Italy
TS 2.2 Country Note Vietnam
TS 2.3 Country Note Central & Eastern Europe
TS 2.4 Country Note China
TS 2.5 Country Note Iberian Penisula
TS 2.6 Country Note Dioxin monitoring for poultry feed
TS 2.7 Country Note Antibiotic-free feed
TS 2.8 Country Note QM-Milch
TS 3.1 Trade to livestock farms
TS 3.2 Production and Trade in Pet foods
TS 3.3 Inland waterway transport and short sea shipping of feed
TS 4.1 Laboratory testing
TS 4.2 Registered laboratories
R 5.0 Feed Responsibility Management Systems Requirements
MI 5.1 Production and Trade of RTRS soy
MI 5.2 Responsible Pig and Poultry feed
MI 5.3 Responsible dairy feed
MI 5.4 GMO controlled
MI 5.5 Carbon footprint of feed
MI 5.6 Production and Trade of responsible feed
Choose an article....
4.0 The context of the GMP+ certified company
4.1 Compliance with Feed legislation and this Standard
4.2 Understanding the Needs and Expectations of interested parties
4.3 Determining the scope of the Feed Safety Management System
4.4 Feed Safety Management System
5.0 Leadership
5.1 Leadership and Commitment
5.2 Feed safety policy
5.2.1 Establishing feed safety policy
5.2.2 Communicating feed safety policy
5.3 Organisational Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities
5.3.1 Top management's Responsibilities and Authorities
5.3.2 Responsibilities of the Feed Safety Team leader
5.3.3 Responsibilities of the Validation Team
5.3.4 Responsibilities of all persons involved
6.0 Planning
6.1 The Objectives of the FSMS and how to achieve them
6.2 Planning of changes
7.0 Support
7.1 Resources
7.1.1 General
7.1.2 People
7.1.3 Infrastructure
7.1.4 Work environment
7.1.5 Management of suppliers
7.2 Competence
7.3 Awareness
7.4 Communication
7.4.1 General
7.4.2 External communication
7.4.3 Internal communication
7.5 Documented information
7.5.1 General
7.5.2 Creating and Updating
7.5.3 Control of documented information
8.0 Operation
8.1 Operational Planning and Control
8.2 Prerequisite programmes (PRPs)
8.3 Traceability system
8.4 Emergency Preparedness and Response
8.4.1 General
8.4.2 Handling of Emergencies and Incidents
8.5 Hazard control
8.5.1 Preliminary steps to enable hazard analysis Characteristics of ingredients Characteristics of end-products Intended use Flow diagrams and Description of processes Preparing flow diagrams Preparing a floor plan On-site conformation of Flow diagrams and Floor Plan
8.5.2 Hazard analysis Hazard identification Risk assessment Establishing Critical Control Points (CCPs)
8.5.3 CCP control Determine feed safety limits for CCPs Monitoring CCPs
8.6 Validation & Verification
8.6.1 Validation
8.6.2 Verification Verification of the HACCP plan Analysing the results of verification activities
8.7 Control of Product and Process nonconformities
8.7.1 Define Corrections and Corrective actions
8.7.2 Handling of potentially unsafe products General Evaluation of potentially unsafe products Disposition of nonconforming products Withdrawal / Recall
9.0 Performance evaluation of the FSMS
9.1 Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and Evaluation
9.1.1 General
9.1.2 Analysis and Evaluation
9.2 Internal audit
9.3 Management review
9.3.1 General
9.3.2 Management review input
9.3.3 Management review output
10.0 Improvement
10.1 Nonconformity and Corrective action
10.2 Continual improvement
10.3 Update of the FSMS
Choose an article....
1.0 Infrastructure
1.1 Regulating access
1.2 Facilities and Equipment
2.0 Maintenance
3.0 Personal hygiene
4.0 Utilities
4.1 Air movement
4.2 Water and Steam
4.3 Drying and Ventilating
5.0 Pest control
6.0 Waste management
7.0 Cleaning and Sanitising
8.0 Prevention of cross-contamination
9.0 Incoming Products & Services and Sales
9.1 Verification of Products and/or Services
9.2 Sale and Contract
10.0 Traceability system
Choose an article....
3.0. Overview of GMP+ and Accepted certificates
3.1. Purchase of Compound feed and Semi-manufactured products
3.2. Purchase of premixtures
3.3. Purchase of feed additives
3.4. Purchase of feed materials
3.4.1. General
3.4.2. Purchase of feed materials from companies with specific certificates
3.5. Purchase of storage and transshipment
3.6. Purchase of transport
3.7. Purchase of affreightment
3.8. Purchase of laboratory services
3.9. Purchase of other services
4.0. Gatekeeper options
4.1. General gatekeeper requirements
4.2. Feed products and Services which cannot be purchased under a gatekeeper protocol
4.3. Gatekeeper requirements for purchase of specific feed ingredients
4.3.1. Purchase of unprocessed agricultural products from grower for use in or as feed
4.3.2. Purchase of unprocessed Grains, (Oil-) Seeds and Legumes out of a collect chain
4.3.3. Purchase of Feed Additives, Foodstuffs, Pharma products
4.3.4. Purchase of former foodstuffs
4.3.5. Purchase of palm oil
4.3.6. Purchase of feed materials of mineral origin
4.3.7. Purchase of Herbs and Spices
4.3.8. Purchase of processed feed materials
4.3.9. Purchase of feed for feed trial
4.4. Gatekeeper requirements for purchase of feed services
4.4.1. Purchase of road transport
4.4.2. Purchase of inland waterway transport
4.4.3. Purchase of storage and transshipment
4.5. Special gatekeeping options
4.5.1. Other Products and Services
4.5.2. Raw materials for soap stock splitting
1.0. Product list
Choose an article....
1.0. Products not allowed to be used in feed
2.0. Forbidden fuels for direct drying
Choose an article....
1.0. Introduction / Scope of this document
2.0. Specific feed safety limits
Choose an article....
1.0. Basic principles
2.0. Requirements for samplers
2.1. Working conditions
2.2. Training and Experience
3.0. Storage Duration and Condition
5.0. Sampling protocols
5.1. Sampling protocol: Dry and Wet feed materials delivery by Inland waterways vessel / Coaster
5.2. Sampling protocol: Feed materials, Compound feed, Premixtures and Feed additives in receptacles
5.3. Sampling protocol: Compound feed, Dry feed materials, Premixtures and Feed additives in bulk per axle or during bagging
5.4. Sampling protocol: Liquid feed materials and Wet feed in bulk, Transport per axle
5.5. Sampling protocol: forage products
5.6. Sampling protocol: products in Tank storage and Silos or sheds in the event of an emergency or an incident
5.7. Sampling protocol: samples for microbiological examination
Choose an article....
1.0. General monitoring requirements
1.1. Monitoring plan
1.2. Monitoring frequency
1.3. Sampling
1.4. Collective monitoring plan
2.0. Monitoring protocol of Aflatoxin B1 in Maize and By-products of maize
2.1. General requirements
2.1.1. Scope
2.1.2. Application
2.1.3. Countries of cultivation
2.1.4. Place of sampling
2.1.5. Sample preparation
2.1.6. Analysing Analyse method Sharing of analyse results
2.2. Requirements per Classification of Countries of Cultivation
2.2.1. High risk countries Application Monitoring frequency Size of batches Sampling
2.2.2. Medium risk countries Application Monitoring frequency Size of the batch Sampling
2.2.3. Low risk countries Application Monitoring frequency Size of the batch Sampling
3.0. Monitoring protocol of Aflatoxin B1 in feed materials (for use in feed) for dairy cattle
3.1. General requirements
3.1.1. Scope
3.1.2. Application
3.2. Monitoring frequency
3.3. Sampling
3.4. Analysing
3.4.1. Analyse method
3.4.2. Sharing of analysis results
4.0. Monitoring protocol of salmonella-critical feed materials
4.1. General requirements
4.1.1. Scope
4.1.2. Application
4.1.3. Documentation requirements
4.1.4. Monitoring frequency
4.1.5. Sampling
4.1.6. Analysing Analyse method Sharing of analyse results
4.2. Additional requirements
5.0. Monitoring protocol of Salmonella and Enterobacteriaceae in feed for poultry
5.1. General requirements
5.1.1. Scope
5.1.2. Application
5.2. Monitoring frequency
5.3. Sampling
5.4. Analysing
5.4.1. Analyse method
5.4.2. Sharing of analyse results
6.0. Monitoring protocol of Salmonella and Enterobacteriaceae in compound feed (with the exception of feed for poultry)
6.1. General requirements
6.1.1. Scope
6.1.2. Application
6.2. Monitoring frequency
6.2.1. Salmonella reducing treatment
6.2.2. No salmonella reducing treatment
6.3. Sampling
6.4. Analysing
6.4.1. Analyse method
6.4.2. Sharing of analyse results
7.0. Monitoring protocol of animal protein
7.1. General requirements
7.1.1. Scope
7.1.2. Application
7.2. Monitoring frequency
7.3. Analysing
7.3.1. Analyse method
7.3.2. Sharing of analyse results
8.0. Monitoring protocol of oils and fats as regards dioxin and dioxin like PCB's
8.1. General requirements
8.1.1. Scope
8.1.2. Application
8.2. Definitions
8.3. Monitoring frequency
8.4. Positive release
8.5. Sampling
8.6. Analysing
8.6.1. Analyse method
8.6.2. Sharing of analyse results
9.0. Monitoring protocolfor by-products of the oils and fats industry
9.1. General requirements
9.1.1. Scope
9.1.2. Application
9.2. Defenitions
9.3. Monitoring frequency
9.4. Sampling
9.5. Analysing
9.5.1. Analyse method
9.5.2. Sharing of analyse results
Choose an article....
1.0. Labelling
1.1. General
1.2. Labelling of By-products of the oils and fats industry
2.0. Positive declaration
Choose an article....
2.0. Ordering the transport of feed
3.0. Affreightment of loading compartment
3.1. Accepting an order to transport feed
3.2. Requirements regarding loading compartments
3.2.1. Selecting a loading compartment
3.2.2. Issuing an order for loading compartment inspection (only applicable in the case of short sea shipping, inland waterway shipping, transport by sea and rail)
3.2.3. Execution of a loading compartment inspection (only applicable in the case of short sea shipping, inland waterway shipping, transport by sea and rail)
3.2.4. Acceptance of loading compartment (only applicable in the case of short sea shipping, inland waterway shipping, transport by sea and rail)
4.0. Transport of feed
4.1. Cleaning of loading compartment before loading
4.2. Transporting of feed
4.2.1. Requirements for loading compartments Additional requirements for combination vehicles
4.3. Documentation requirements
Choose an article....
1.0 Operational activities
1.1 Control of production
1.2 Processing aids
1.3 Dosage
1.4 Mixing
1.5 Pelletising, Expansion and Extruding
1.6 Packaging
1.7 Cleaning, Sieving, Filtering
1.8 Returns
1.9 Storage
1.9.1. Control of Storage as property and as a Service for third parties
1.9.2. Additional requirements for storage as a service
Choose an article....
2.0 Limits for critical residues
2.1 General
2.2 Limits for residues of feed additives
2.3 Limits for residues of veterinary medicinal products
2.4 Limits for residues of other Feed additives / Veterinary medicinal products
3.0 Additional requirements for the control of residues
3.1 General / Installation
3.2 Control of residues via production sequence
3.2.1. General
3.2.2. Carry-over percentage of installation
3.2.3. Safety factor
3.2.4. Validation and Periodically verification (monitoring)
3.2.5. Additional information about the safety factor
4.0 Methods for measuring carry-over
4.1 Introduction
4.2 General basic principles with respect to the measurement of carry-over
4.3 Testing procedure for the carry-over in compound feed mixing using a mix of manganese oxide and a protein-rich and a protein-poor mix
4.4 Testing procedure for the measurement of carry-over in Premixtures and Additives installations
4.5 Testing procedure for the process accuracy of compound feed with microtracers
5.0 Methods for measuring homogeneity of dry mixtures
Choose an article....
2.0 Scope, Application & Certification
2.2 Application
2.3 Certification for companies
4.0 Purchase of non-assured feed materials
4.1 General
4.2 HACCP hazard analysis
4.3 Monitoring and Sampling
4.4 Audits
4.5 File
4.6 Action plan
5.0 Production
6.0 Transport
7.0 Labelling and Delivery
Choose an article....
2.0 Scope, Application & Certification
2.2 Application
2.3 Certification for companies
4.0 Specific requirements for business locations
5.0 Purchase of feed material from a non-GMP+ FSA certified supplier
5.1 General
5.2 Assurance of safe feed materials
5.3 Elements of the GMP+ gatekeeper system
5.3.1. Scope
5.3.2. Desk study
5.3.3. Initial supplier audit
5.3.4. HACCP analysis
5.3.5. Monitoring and Product verification
5.3.6. Periodical supplier audit
5.4 Supplier's improvement programme
5.5 Country Note documentation
6.0 Declaration and Delivery
6.1 Declaration
6.2 Delivery
Choose an article....
2.0 Scope, Application & Certification
2.2 Application
2.3 Certification for companies
4.0 Purchase of non-assured feed materials
4.1 General
4.2 HACCP hazard analysis
4.3 Monitoring and Sampling
4.4 Audits
4.5 File
4.6 Action Plan
6.0 Labelling and Delivery
Choose an article....
2.0 Scope and Application & Certification
2.2 Application
2.3 Certification for companies
4.0 Gatekeeper requirements
4.1 Purchase of feed ingredients
4.1.1. Scope
4.1.2. General
4.1.3. HACCP hazard analysis
4.1.4. Monitoring and Auditing
4.1.5. File
4.1.6. Supplier's improvement programme
4.2 Purchase of transport
4.2.1. Scope
4.2.2. General
4.2.3. Controlling non-certified bulk transport
4.3 Purchase of storage
4.3.1. General
4.3.2. Storage in bulk
4.4 Purchase of laboratory analysis
5.0 Specific remarks regarding application of GMP+
Choose an article....
2.0 Scope and Application & Certification
2.2 Application
2.3 Certification for companies
4.0 Specific requirements for business locations
5.0 Purchase of non-assured feed materials ('gatekeeping')
5.1 General requirements
5.2 Elements of the GMP+ gatekeeper system
5.3 Sampling and Monitoring
5.3.1. Sampling
5.3.2. Monitoring
5.3.3. Inclusion of results in GMP+ Monitoring database
5.4 Supplier audits
5.5 Supplier's improvement programme
5.6 Documentation
6.0 Road transport
6.1 Gatekeeping of tractionairs
6.2 Gatekeeping for subcontracting of road transport by transport companies or stevedores
6.3 Supplier's improvement programme
6.4 Release procedure after transport of forbidden loads
Choose an article....
2.0 Scope and Application & Certification
2.2 Application
2.3 Certification for companies
4.0 Dioxin monitoring in laying hens (rearing) feed
4.1 General
4.2 Analysis frequency
4.3 Sampling
4.4 Analysis
4.5 Analysis results
4.6 Exceeding the Action limit
4.7 Exceeding the Rejection limit
Choose an article....
2.0 Scope and Application & Certification
2.2 Application
2.3 Certification for companies
4.0 Conditions for antibiotic-free feed
4.1 General
4.2 Antibiotic-free feed produced at an antibiotic-free production site
4.3 Antibiotic-free feed produced on antibiotic-free production line(s)
4.4 Transport
4.5 Labelling
4.6 Monitoring
4.6.1. Sampling
4.6.2. Analyzing
4.6.3. Analysis results
4.6.4. Reporting analysis results
Choose an article....
2.0 Scope and Application & Certification
2.2 Application
2.3 Certification for companies
4.0 Monitoring
4.1 General
4.2 Sampling and Analysis
4.3 Reporting and Sharing data
5.0 Assessment and follow-up Measures
5.1 Limit
5.2 Exceedance of limit
5.3 Providing information
Choose an article....
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Scope and application of this document
1.3 Exclusion of requirements
3.0 HACCP system requirements
3.1 Responsibility of the management
3.2 Quality manual
3.2.1. Documentation and Registration
3.2.2. Identification and Traceability
3.2.3. Complaints and Incidents registration
3.2.4. Feed recall
3.3 Verification (internal audit)
4.0 Prerequisites
4.1 Personnel
4.2 Company premises
4.3 Pest control
4.4 Cleaning and Disinfection
4.5 Waste and Toxic material
5.0 Process control
5.1 Purchasing
5.2 Taking delivery of packaged products at own company premises
5.2.1. Returns
5.3 Storage
5.3.1. Storage of packaged feed at own company premises
5.3.2. Storage of Bulk and Packaged feed products by third parties
5.4 Sales (including repackaging and delivery)
5.5 Transport
5.5.1. Inbound and Outbound transport of packaged products in own management
5.5.2. Delivery of Bulk and Packaged products by third parties
Choose an article....
0.1 Introduction
0.1.1 Scope and application of this document
0.1.3 Exclusion of requirements
1.0 Pet food safety management system
1.1 Management responsibilities and resource
1.1.1. Management commitment, responsibility and policy
1.1.2. Pet food safety organization Organisational chart Competency, awareness and education Pet food safety leader: responsibility, authority and communication
1.1.3. Management review
1.2 Traceability
1.2.1. Definition, scope and boundaries
1.2.2. Registration and approval of operators
1.2.3. Documentation system
1.2.4. Review and verification
1.2.5. Complaints and product recall/product withdrawal
2.0 Pre-requisite programmes
2.1 Facilities and plant design
2.1.1. Exterior
2.1.2. Food defence, biovigilance and bioterrorism
2.1.3. Interior
2.1.4. Construction
2.1.5. Sanitary facilities
2.2 Utilities
2.2.1. General requirements
2.2.2. Water
2.2.3. Air (or gas)
2.2.4. Lighting
2.3 Waste disposal
2.3.1. General requirements
2.3.2. Containers for waste
2.3.3. Waste management and removal
2.3.4. Drains and drainage
2.3.5. Spoilage and dust
2.4 Equipment
2.4.1. Equipment
2.4.2. Calibration
2.5 Mixing & homogenity
2.6 Management of incoming materials
2.6.1. General requirements
2.6.2. Vendor/Supplier approval system
2.6.3. Specifications
2.6.4. Handling of incoming material
2.7 Cleaning and sanitation
2.7.1. Cleaning & sanitising procedures
2.7.2. Integrated pest management system
2.7.3. Chemicals control policy
2.7.4. Foreign bodies control policy
2.7.5. Pathogens monitoring
2.8 Personnel
2.8.1. Training
2.8.2. Hygiene and health Personnel hygiene Workwear & Personnel protective clothing
2.8.3. Staff facilities
2.9 Rework
2.10 Transport and storage
2.10.1. General requirements
2.10.2. Transport
2.10.3. Storage
2.11 Product information and consumer awareness
2.11.1. General requirements
2.11.2. Product information
3.0 HACCP System
3.1 Definition, scope and boundaries
3.1.1. Definition
3.1.2. Scope and boundaries
3.2 The HACCP system: step by step
3.2.1. Principle 1: Conduct a Hazard analysis
3.2.2. Principle 2: Determine Critical Control Points (CCPs)
3.2.3. Principle 3: Establish critical limits for each CCP or OPRP
3.2.4. Principle 4: Establish a monitoring system for each CCP and OPRP
3.2.5. Principle 5: Establish corrective actions
3.2.6. Principle 6: Establish verification procedures
3.2.7. Principle 7: Establish Documentation and Record keeping
3.3 List of hazards
Choose an article....
2 Is the owner of the inland waterway vessel registered with the competent authority?
1a/b,9a/b Are the required technical changes / cleaning procedures applied in order to get the dedicated status?
1a/b, 9a/b In case of dedicated transport: has the vessel been transporting only food and / or feed for more than 6 months?
1a/b Is a statement present and properly filled out?
2 Are LCI forms available of all transported loads?
2 Does the log match LCIs?
6/7/8/10 Are pollution, contamination, deterioration and other undesired processes prevented during the transport process?
6/7/8/11 Have nonconformities observed been reported to the principal?
6,7,8 Have the corrective measures been taken?
8 Are there any unloading receipts?
11 Inspection of travel log and / or cargo log of the use over the past period.
11 Are all required registrations included in the travel log and / or the cargo log
12 Has the protest letter been used where necessary?
14 Is the additional documentation also available per transported batch of feed?
14 Is all documentation relevant for feed safety stored in an orderly fashion?
14 Are the documents retained long enough?
16 Is the system revised in case of external changes?
16 Is an up-to-date version of the GMP+ B4.3 standard (including cleaning list and list of forbidden loads) demonstrably present aboard the vessel?
15 Are the relevant skipper and all employees sufficiently aware of how the work plans work and are designed and of the relevant legislation?
3 Is personal hygiene and feed safety observed aboard?
4.2 Does the vessel meet the prerequisites?
4.2 Are the work plans properly applied?
4.2 Are the loading compartments inspected for all batches of feed?
13 Are the complaints registered and adequately handled?
5a/b/c Are any special agreements regarding cleaning adheared to?
4 Are the work methods aboard hygienic?
5a/b/c Is, at least, the prescribed cleaning procedure used?
5c Is the material you use and that comes into contact with feed, cleaned and is this cleaning registered?
9c, Annex 1 Is the required cleaning procedure applied after loads of glass (broken, recycled, etc.)?
9c Has, after the transport of the products on the "list of prior forbidden loads" the loading compartment been released in accordance with the prescribed procedure?
2, 5a/b/c,11 Is the cleaning of the loading compartments registered?
Choose an article....
2.0 Organisation and Quality Policy
2.1 Quality system
2.2 Organisational diagram
2.3 Management of the quality system
3.0 Documentation
3.1 Documented information
3.2 Manual
3.3 Date and Authorisation
4.0 Facilities and Environmental conditions
4.1 Environmental conditions
4.2 Regulating access
4.3 Utilities
5.0 Personnel
6.0 Equipment
6.1 Items to retain as documented information
6.2 Logbook
7.0 Samples, Standard, Reference and Auxiliary material
7.1 Specifications
7.2 Check
7.3 List of authorised suppliers
7.4 Identification
7.5 Precautionary measures
7.6 Instructions
8.0 Instructions
8.1 Instructions and Description
8.2 Familiarity with the instructions
9.0 Registration, Reporting and Retaining
9.1 Registration
9.2 Reporting
9.3 Retaining documented information
9.4 Protection data
10.0 Quality control plan and Internal audits
10.1 Quality control plan
10.2 Documentation
10.3 Frequency
10.4 Reporting
11.0 Ring test
11.1 Participation
11.2 Administration
11.3 Investigation of testing
12.0 Outsourcing
13.0 Complaints procedure
14.0 Quality control of the testing and calibration results
15.0 Serological classification for salmonella
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2.0 Requirements for GMP+ registration
3.0 Registration process
3.1 Registration and Assessment
3.2 Decision about registration
3.3 Information Certification Body
4.0 Performance criteria for laboratory testing
4.1 Aflatoxin B1
4.2 Sum of dioxins and dioxin-like PCB's
4.3 Dioxins
4.3.1. LOQ for Bioassays
4.4 Dioxin-like PCBs
4.5 Non-dioxin-like PCBs
4.6 Heavy Metals and Fluorine
5.0 Improvement
5.1 General
5.2 Proficiency testing
5.3 Planning
5.4 Administration
5.5 Interpretation of proficiency testing results
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4.0 System requirements
4.1 Feed Responsibility Management System
4.1.1. Leadership and commitment
4.1.2. Top management's responsibilities and authorities
4.1.3. Determining the scope of the Feed Responsibility Management System
4.1.4. Documented information
4.2 Prerequisite programmes (PRPs)
4.2.1. People
4.2.2. Traceability system
4.3 Risk Assessment
4.4 Purchase
4.4.1. Selection of suppliers
4.4.2. Verification of incoming products and/or services
4.5 Informing the customer
4.5.1. Inform the customer about the status of the feed
4.5.2. Delivery requirements
4.6 Verification
4.6.1. External communication
4.6.2. Internal audit
4.6.3. Management review
5.0 Supply chain models
5.1 Material accounting system
5.2 Segregation
5.2.1. Purchasing
5.2.2. Processing
5.2.3. Material accounting system
5.3 Mass balance
5.3.1. Purchasing
5.3.2. Material accounting system
5.3.3. Continuous balancing system
5.3.4. Fixed inventory period
5.4 Area Mass Balance
5.4.1. Purchasing
5.4.2. Material accounting system
5.5 Book & Claim
5.5.1. Purchasing
5.5.2. Material accounting system
5.5.3. Continuous balancing system
5.5.4. Fixed inventory period
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4.0 Production and Trade of RTRS soy
4.1 Feed Responsibility Management System
4.2 Purchasing requirements
4.2.1. Purchasing requirements for the scope RTRS Segregation
4.2.2. Purchasing requirements for the scope RTRS Mass balance
4.3 RTRS logo & claims
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4.0 Responsible Pig and Poultry feed
4.1 Feed Responsibility Management System
4.2 Purchasing requirements
4.2.1. Purchasing of responsible soy
4.2.2. Purchasing of credits
4.2.3. Purchasing of responsible compound feed
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4.0 Responsible dairy feed
4.1 Feed Responsibility Management System
4.2 Purchasing requirements
4.2.1. Purchasing of responsible soy
4.2.2. Purchasing of credits
4.2.3. Purchasing of responsible compound feed
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4.0 GMO controlled
4.1 Feed Responsibility Management System
4.1.1. Determining the scope of the Feed Responsibility Management System
4.2 Prerequisite programmes (PRPs)
4.2.1. People
4.2.2. Traceability system
4.3 Risk assessment
4.3.1. Additional requirements for trade
4.3.2. Additional requirements for production
4.4 Purchase
4.4.1. Selection of suppliers
4.4.2. Verification of incoming products and/or services Additional requirements for production
4.5 Informing the customer
4.5.1. Inform the customer about the status of the feed
4.6 Verification
4.6.1. External communication
5.0 Supply chain models
5.1 Segregation
6.0 Sampling and testing
6.1 General
6.2 Monitoring plan
6.2.1. Feed in which genetic modification cannot be detected
6.2.2. Feed in which genetic modification can be detected Requirements to sample takers Storage duration of samples Sampling and Testing frequency Sample preparation and Analysis
6.3 Handling of positive test results
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4.0 System requirements
5.0 Input for the CFP calculations
5.1 Composition of the feed
5.2 CFP-data of feed ingredients
5.3 Amounts of produced feed
5.4 Energy use feed production
6.0 Calculating the CFP of feed
6.1 General requirements for CFP calculations
6.2 Selection of calculation method for CPF feed production
6.3 Requirements for company-specific calculation of the CFP of feed production
6.4 CFP calculation using the default CFP-value for feed production
6.5 CFP calculation using the company-specific CFP-value for feed production
7. Additional calculation of emission factors for methane production of feed
8. Compensating the CPF-LUC indicator
8.1 The use of Satellite-based Land Use Change (SBLC) credits
9. Informing the customer
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4. Production and Trade of responsible feed
4.1 Feed Responsibility Management System
4.2 Purchasing requirements
4.2.1 Purchasing of responsible soy
4.2.2 Purchasing of credits
4.2.3 Purchasing of responsible compound feed
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