register Novelty or Inthepicture product
Here you can register your novelty or special product to be auctioned, sold directly and/or promoted at our fairs and events.
We distinguish:
Royal FloraHolland Novelty: Product with a new VBN product code of A1 quality. Must be available and be a new/different product from the existing one, at the discretion of Royal FloraHolland.
Product does not necessarily have to be widely available.
Royal FloraHolland Novelty + : Novelty that has been tested* for vase life/durability after a realistic chain simulation. It therefore meets the requirements set for that product.
These test* have been carried out by the Post Harvest Knowledge Centre of Royal FloraHolland.
Inthepicture: Special product which is not a novelty. E.g. the first pieces in the season, reintroduction of a product, new grower, new product for grower.
This can be a seasonal product or a Year-round product. Product code obligatory. Award 'Inthepicture' and duration in consultation with the auctioneer with a maximum of 8 weeks.
*Performance of shelf life tests - Vereniging Bloemenveiling Nederland (
I register this product as: *
I like to:
The employees of the Post Harvest knowledge center will contact you about the possibilities and conditions
The auctioneer will contact you a.s.a.p. about the auction method and the way of delivery
You can register your Novelty yourself in Floriday,
Read more about the offer function in Floriday
Link in Floriday:
Category *
Did you register your novelty through Floriday? If so, we are already familiar with your details.
In this form you only have to indicate which product it concerns and for which services you want to register your novelty.
How to generate the article link tot de product in Floriday
Article code *
Cultivar name *
Commercial name
Number available
Available from
Available until:
Pot size
Plant height/ Stem length
Brief description of the product
It is important to add one or more photos of your product or concept,
Royal FloraHolland accepts no liability whatsoever for participation in the Parade of Novelties, the information on the participation form or for damage suffered as a result of participation in the Parade of Novelties and/or the use of the aforementioned information and/or services by Royal FloraHolland and/or third parties engaged by it in this respect.
Royal FloraHolland expressly reserves all rights, including copyrights, trademark rights and other intellectual property rights, with regard to the Parade of Novelties and the services provided by or on behalf of Royal FloraHolland in this respect. Royal FloraHolland is at all times free to use its own information, data and/or images or recordings made on account of participation in the Parade of Novelties for its own publicity or promotion, to place them on social media and to give them to third parties under conditions to be set by Royal FloraHolland.
Royal FloraHolland reserves the right at all times to set additional conditions for participation in the Parade of Novelties and the applicable General Terms and Conditions for Participation Trade Fairs Royal FloraHolland, which additional conditions will then be made known to the participant and published on the Royal FloraHolland website. By registering and participating in the Parade of Novelties, the participant declares to agree to this (in advance). If the participant objects to this, he/she has the right to terminate his/her participation after publication of these additional terms and conditions by Royal FloraHolland.
The information provided by Royal FloraHolland by means of this registration form, the participant's participation in the Parade of Novelties and this disclaimer are exclusively governed by Dutch law. All disputes arising from or in connection with this disclaimer will exclusively be submitted to the competent court in the Netherlands.
If foreign language versions of this disclaimer show discrepancies or lead to differences in interpretation, the version in the Dutch language will at all times be leading and decisive. *
Supplier number. *
Company name *
Contact person *
Email address contact persoon *
check email address (enter email address again) *
Telephone number *
The General Terms and Conditions for Participation in Trade Fairs Royal FloraHolland apply to this registration form and the services provided by Royal FloraHolland in connection with it (see link below).
By ticking the box 'Yes, I agree to the General Terms and Conditions', you declare that you have filled in the entry form correctly and truthfully and declare that you have received the aforementioned
General Terms and Conditions, agree to their content and will act accordingly. General Terms and Conditions.
Yes, I agree to the General Terms and Conditions *
Would you like to register more products? That is possible! Please fill in a form for each product.