Submit your question to the MEB |
If you have a question about an adverse reaction, we kindly refer you to the Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb where you can report the adverse reaction.
Please visit the MEB Medicines Information Bank for information about a medicine and current patient leaflets.
Please note: the Medicines Evaluation Board cannot and may not handle questions related to individual therapy and medicine usage. In these cases, we always refer you to your physician.
If you have a question about an adverse reaction, we kindly refer you to the Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb where you can report the adverse reaction.
If you have a question about an adverse reaction, we kindly refer you to the Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb where you can report the adverse reaction.
Please visit the MEB Medicines Information Bank for information about a medicine and current patient leaflets.
Please note: the Medicines Evaluation Board cannot and may not handle questions related to individual therapy and medicine usage. In these cases, we always refer you to your physician.
If you have a question about an adverse reaction, we kindly refer you to the Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb where you can report the adverse reaction.
If you have a question about:
- The placing of a medicinal product on the market for the first time, or again following an interruption
- The discontinuation or interruption of the marketing of a medicinal product (including a possible shortage)
- A possible shortage because a medicinal product is being placed on the market in smaller quantities or to an insufficient degree
- A quality defect in relation to a medicinal product.
we kindly refer you to the Medicine shortages and defects notification centre.
Reporting adverse events: Animal owners, veterinarians / veterinary pharmacists and marketing authorisation holders of veterinary medicinal products can report adverse events (suspected) due to the use of veterinary medicinal products to the marketing authorisation holder or distributor or to the MEB Agency, Veterinary Medicinal Products Unit.
Information about the processing of your personal data
We use your data to answer your question. After answering your question we keep these data for analyses, which are intended for internal use. Your data are not shared with others.
Why do we ask you for these data? We use your data to answer your question. To do so we need your permission. You can also ask a question without giving your name.
How does the MEB process your data? The MEB uses your data to answer your question. MEB employees answer your question and we do not share your data with others.
How long does the MEB keep your data? As soon as we have answered your question, we archive your data. These are removed from our systems after 2 years.